Thinking of Paradise

by girlii797   Aug 12, 2005

My head is pounding,
Thump, thump, thump.
My eyes are pulsing,
Bleep, bleep, bleep.

Why am I like this?
Too many thoughts,
Too much crying,
Or too little sleep?

All is true when
I am thinking so blue.
All these thoughts
I need not keep.

Positive, positive, positive.
Think positive thoughts.
How? When nothing,
Is all that great?

Think of joyous times.
Think of laughter, and jokes.
Think of going to bed early
And sleeping late.

Think of love and good cheer.
Think of all the great things
That are suppose to appear.
With only little time left to wait.

When in that paradise we can leap,
The one that only Jehovah can create.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by HottChic

    Hey I really like this poem. I can't wait for paradise to come either.

  • 18 years ago

    by Tinkerbelle

    Hey girlii797,
    it's me again.srry i haven't been here for awhile.been busy.i foregot,but your one of krista's friends right?i can't remember.
    anywho,i luv ur true.i cannot wait til the paradise is here.we need it.

  • 18 years ago

    by *liZ*

    Ya, I went to treatment... And in treatment AMAZINGLY i was pregnant.. That's God for ya!
    I'm 8 months pregnant:)
    8 weeks to go

  • Good ONe.
