Comments : Hideing

  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    hey Cody. I don't get to check your poems often but I try to when I can.... just remember I'll always love you!
    <3 Erika*Jo <3

  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    yeah yeah I know this is my second comment in like 15 min. but... Cody why do you always seem depressed? like you write these sad poems that like rip me apart when I read them just thinking, this is how you feel, and i wonder why you feel this way? Can you explain it b/c I don't get it. Maybe i"m just too happy of a person to understand all this bad stuff but bad stuff had happened to me and I'm not all depressed about it I dunno maybe i'M just not that kinda person or whatever so I just can't understand but will you plz at least try to explain it to me?? luv ya ~*Erika*Jo*~

  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    Hey plz check out this poem
    Some say -very short- (1)
    by laura
    at 2005-08-21
    love ya,
    Erika Jo

  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    Hey, why haven't you written any poems lately? Or have you just not put them on the internet. I dunno just curious... UUmm that's about it l8r

  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    I think it was good, plz don't blame us on yourself, because i think we both know it was my fault. Why do you have you hide your feelings anyways? feelings should never be stifled, or demoted to anything less than what the are...