I never thought in my most imaginable dreams
That I’d meet anyone like you
You're far more than I ever expected a mate to be
And I never even touched you physically
Your natural splendor attracts me.
You manage intuitively through facial and body expressions alone,
A means of communication that draws me in so close to you;
I don’t quite fully understand it . .
It’s too good to be true!
Still in wonder if this is for real, or nothing but a dream.
What exists between us seems to defy all common traditional laws of reasoning
All that I thought of, how a relationship would be is nothing compared to what I see now . .
I didn’t factor in the unexplained emotions I’d feel.
How could I ask myself now? I never loved till now!
There have been countless times I stared intently at you
From behind see-through barriers
Longing I could touch some part of you.
I wish to smell you relying on all my senses
To function in unanimity
So that I could absorb you entirely. . completely.
As I remained here impatiently
In anticipation of your return
To hear your pleasant and now familiar voice again,
I can’t help to speculate
What more delights and ecstasy
You could possibly bring to my life you haven’t already
In this relatively short period of time we have spent together
You instill an immeasurable wanting-ness in me
To bring myself closer to you, physically and emotionally.
I can accept the fact you are away from me
So long as you and I will be together
You and I are on the same exact plane of existence . .
It’s almost as if our lives have run parallel.....
I love you.....
The time I fall out of love with you,
Is the time I no longer cease to exist....
I will always love you the way i do today.