We can Make it

by ღPrEciiOuz~KiiZeZღ   Aug 14, 2005

We've been through a lot
but we both refused
To let Go
even though both of our answers were "no"

we learned to hold on
and learned to be strong
Because we tought
nothing could go wrong

It came to a point where
my tears didn't matter
And it felt like blood
Slowly turned into water

now we sit here not
knowing what to do
but i'm sure you know
i'll give the world for you

i know forever seems
a long time but
thats just what i feel
when i look into your eyes

hold on to me
like i hold on to you
and i promise that together
we can make it through


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  • 19 years ago

    by medicine:)ma

    That is beatiful 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by SexMeister69

    You are going to forgive me, but I must say the first stanza is a bit weak. Sorry!!!! Its just that the flow isnt that good there! But apart from that, I loved this poem girl! I wish I had a gf as you to write me poems like those!

  • 19 years ago

    by taeyanna

    That is the cutest poem i've read! that is soooooo cute.........keep up the good work... come check out some of mine......much love XotaeyannaXO

  • 19 years ago

    by Jenn

    Heart ache.. knowing it's over but not being able to admit it is .. definatly love it :)

  • 19 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Nice job, here's some things I changed to help the flow

    hold on to me
    like i hold on to you
    promise that together
    we can make it through

    ~We've been through a lot
    but we both refused
    To never let Go
    though our answers were "no"

    Keep it up!!!

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