If It Meant..

by shannon   Aug 14, 2005

I would wear my heart upon my sleeve
If it meant you would stay and never leave

I would run away and leave all the things I loved and knew
If it meant you would come with me too

I would live in the shadows of the night
If it meant your sorrow would be replaced with light

I would jump off this building without the wings to fly
If it meant never again would you have to cry

I would drown in the great depths of the abyss
If it meant I could have one last kiss

I would burry my grave deep in this sand
If it meant, one last night I could hold your hand

I would put myself in all great harm
If it meant tonight I could fall asleep in your arms

I would do all of these things for you
Because I know, you love me too

By: Shannon


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  • 18 years ago

    by newlun

    Hey your really good keep writing

  • 19 years ago

    by David Marshall

    Thats a really nice poem..5/5...shows strong dedication to this person..i use to feel that way about someone..but she pushed me away for too long...well..alot of my poems tell the story about that..any way..good poem i liked it

  • 19 years ago

    by Jacqui Armstrong

    Its so sweet.. exactly how i feel for someone too at the moment so i can relate:)


  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aww I am in tears right now, this is a beautiful poem hun, I loved it you have great talent

  • this is one of the most beautiful poems that i have ever read...you express such emotion its very lovely...thank u for commenting on mines i appreciate it...5/5