Hard Times

by Anna   Aug 14, 2005

I need you girl
more than you'll ever know
so please don't go

You say there's so much pressure
and everyday it gets worse
But I really do want to be there for you
I wish there was a magical door
Where I could just walk through and be there for you

You have no idea how much you mean to me
or how much I love you
Oh, how I wish you could promise me
That you'll be ok

I hope you'll be ok
Take everyday one at a time
And take every sign that God is there
And know I will always care for you

* Jen, you are my best friend! I love you soooo much! Please don't do anything!!!*


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Ok...she is still alive...well...I'm running out of time now...that's all 4 today...catch you another time...

  • 19 years ago

    by Kendall

    sounds a lot like me and my friend. great poem, i liked it a lot.