Trampling over me,
You will never stop.
Can't you see I'm here,
Right beneath you, i know.
Why do you make me feel,
So low and unworthy,
Like I'm no good for anything.
Don't you see i know already?
There's no need to remind me.
It's all that's left of me,
I finally realised no-one's there,
I should never kid myself,
Because no-one ever will.
So i understand today,
Why you're no longer at bay.
I just wish you'd leave me,
It's destroying me each day.
When you treat me like you do.
Yes I'm aware no-one cares,
And I'm aware of my ugliness.
To you I'm a piece of crap,
I'm aware everyone else knows,
And that they feel the same.
But frankly if you realised,
Just how much i actually know,
You'd know why i left today,
Knowing all would be the same.
I'd no longer be invisible,
But just...not there.