BEautifuL roSe

by lostlllsoul   Aug 15, 2005

An angel once stood all alone
Surrounded by a wall of stone
She knew not what happened outside
She had no one but herself to confide

She longed to be free one day
For years she had waited in dismay
Praying silently she cried her plea
For the devil kept her secretly

He gives her a rose each day
One by one they slowly decay
He told this is how the real world is
Beauty fades with all amiss

She bear not leave him
For she is the only one he ever had
But to be kept prisoner her whole life
She decided it was too much too dread

She took her rose
Clutching it tight
The torns across her skin
They'll be her guide

A crimson fountain slowly appears
Releasing out her locked up fears
Her broken body lay on the floor
My angel will be in pain no more


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  • 18 years ago

    by MissAlotta

    Wow, This is so moving and sad, yet you wrote this so beautifully. nice job 5/5 ~Christina

  • 19 years ago

    by cowgirlstar26

    I really like this, ur going in my favs

  • Hey there. brilliant poem. i loved stanza 3. so very true. great write

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Amazing as always...

  • 19 years ago

    by ~:.GodeSsOfTemPtati0n.:~

    I liked the flow... very good poem... 5/5... read some of ur poem =) i can relate very well... thank u for the comment =) much appreciated...

    much love