The One I Love

by Torn   Aug 16, 2005

You're the one i love,
Your words are music.
You make me feel special,
And also so beautiful.
I long to be near you,
I want to see you so.
This love just keeps growing,
You make me feel whole.
You understand and listen,
Always a shoulder to lean on.
Don't ever leave me here,
I don't think i could bare it.
A day without your words,
Or a day without your smile.
If we ever do finish us,
Let us please stay friends.
Because this love is too special,
To forget and not try to mend.
So know in your dark days,
I'm here and always care.
Remember me and that smile,
When I'm with you i can't frown.
Soon you will be with me,
And can hug me and not let go.
I love you so stay strong,
This world becomes a better place.
You just have to wait,
And find out yourself,
With me right by your side.

**What i wish i could feel about someone:(...guess the day will come... please comment:P*


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  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aww hun, this is so sweet and beautiful, absolutely great job once again my dear, aww that feeling towards someone is very beautiful, but i'm sure when the time comes you'll find your true love that will love you just that way, we all have to keep on dreaming I guess that our prince charming will come one day, until then we write poetry & listen to sad songs hehe, amazing hun lovedd it

  • 19 years ago

    by CHOKE

    WoW aMaZiNg PoEM! 5/5 iT tOtAlLy RoCkEd! =)!
    ThAnKs FoR tHe CoMmEnTs HuN!
    <3 eLiZaBeTh

  • 19 years ago

    by the middle

    "stay strong,
    This world becomes a better place.
    You just have to wait."

    listen to your own words hun...
    take care, miss you...