I feel worthless i feel sick
throwing up not eating, cutting u take your pick
it makes me feel better, a short break of relief
i know i deserve this pain its my own belief
if i did not lie betray or cheat
then i would not have been beat
but i did and now i will pay
i except his demands i obey
i watch my dignity get stripped bare
as those nights memories will forever be there
whats happened has happened i cant change the past
but i do wish to be happy get over this at last
but everyday i nearly break free
until a voice reminders me who i cant be
the happy girl that smiles has friends that truly care
cant they stop putting me down the comments aren't fair
your fat your ugly and useless they shout
filling my mind with disrespect and doubt
one more day i keep telling myself one more day
let me live just be normal i pray
healthy happy alive
before i take the plunge and dive
into my darkness were my soul be put to rest