I'm giving into you, I don't wanna fight anymore
it's gotten me nothing, but a few closed doors
I don't wanna spend the rest of my days in solitude because of you
theres so much I wanna say, so many things I wanna do.
I won't let you hold me back from the goals that I desire.
I'm throwing your pictures and your memory, into the fire.
I'm cutting the strings, I will no longer let you control me
I won't let you chose the path I walk, I won't let you be me.
I'll never forget the words you said, or the things you did
but I won't let them tie my arms up, cause I'm no longer a kid
I wont be your puppet for the rest of time
I wanna live my life for once, I mean damn, its mines.
All the lies you told, all the I love yous, you threw around
The voices i hear when its quiet, through echoing sounds
The hurt and pain your shot through my heart
the times you put me down, when we were always apart
I'm moving on with my life and leaving you behind.
I'm living my life right, I mean damn, its mines.