Its Over

by stef   Nov 15, 2003

There is so much I want to tell you but I don’t know where to start
Should I start with him or start with you...

Do you really love him, like you tell me you do
Or is it just that you don’t want to be alone anymore,
Since I’ve met you nothing has come between us
but since u’ve met him everything does...
I wonder to myself is it me that’s in the way
But honestly I think he is...
If your not ready to do anything about it
Than maybe I should!
Because im not just going to continue
watching you get hurt like this anymore
but if you want to continue like this than fine
but you know what... DO IT WITHOUT ME!!!

Im not telling you to chose between me or him
Because I know you’ll pick him...
Unfotunitly that’s how it goes in life
you fall in love...
then you get your heart broken...
you make friends then you lose them,
And now you can say that u’ve lost a friend
Because you lost ME...
But at least I wasn’t some one you loved...
Because then id be heartbroken and i’m NOT...


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  • 20 years ago

    by Allen

    :) Great poem... and yeah, it sucks a bit when your friend gets a boyfriend/girlfriend... you don't get to see them anymore.