You stood there in the sun
Just like any other summer day
The heat as strong as ever
In the moment you had been used again
By another one with lies
Telling you a few lies
About hope and love
Patching your heart a little
So he could feel your body
for a short time
Later breaking your heart
As he had seen you as a toy
Hence you had been in desperate need
A need for love never granted
But never giving up hope
Still as you gave me insight
Of all your troubles
Of all your mistakes
Still you asked for no help
And neither wished for any revenge
As this godless person I am
Seeing it all from the side
I do not understand why its done
Neither how you are capable of it
So I ask you merely one question:
Are you christ reborn?
And I get no answer as you turn to walk
With a kind smile on your face