When I was young life seemed so wonderful,
Livable and what you did made a difference,
As years go by many things change,
The friends you once loved now on the other side of the fence,
Layers of clothes to cover all wounds,
Long gloves to cover my skin,
A masked face to cover all disgrace,
It doesn’t matter how hard you try you never win,
I may say things that seem true,
I wrote the emotions I felt at the present time,
It got around something I didn’t want,
A piece of my work I wish wasn’t mine,
Everything I do is wrong in your eyes,
But remember it takes two to depart,
You say stuff about me to,
It’s just not spread as far or taken to heart,
No one no’s what hides be hide,
Either of our horrid faces,
Just lies and words,
We can’t take within our grace,
When I was you life seemed so wonderful,
Livable and what you did made a difference,
As years go by many things change,
The friends you once loved now on the other side of the fence.