Comments : Built Confusion

  • 19 years ago

    by undying blusher

    Nicely done...

    "You smiled towards my heart
    But I could see your hate
    Probably because it's been long
    We've waited until late"

    I'm not sure, but it might be better as something like...
    "Probably because it's been so long
    We've waited until too late"

    It just seems there's a little missing in those two lines...but, anyways, good form/phrasing...I like it.


  • 19 years ago


    OMG, I know I nearly always say this that your newest ones are just getting better but man this rocked!

    I loved this stanza..
    "But my heart was yanked
    Because you looked back
    I lied with a full smile
    While my heart grew a crack"

    and I agree with the person above me you should change that stanza because it was hardish to read...

    Wow I also loved this stanza "You've held me back
    But I've done the same
    Now our love is down
    To the flickering flame" last line was the blooming best!!!!!!

    I understood your poem well, let me know when ya got a new one I'd love to see how you improve next time lol :D


  • 19 years ago

    by Synyster

    Nice piece. I really liked this line: "I lied with a full smile While my heart grew a crack" It's a shame how things go like that for people, but it makes for good poetry and you proove that point well.


  • 19 years ago

    by fallen angel

    I loved the poem especially the fifth stanza. i dont mean to seem fussy but you missed out a space on the third line of that stanza. just thought ud want to know.
    i also really liked the end of the poem. the flickering flame was great.

  • 19 years ago

    by AllHailTheHeartbreaker

    Great job. Just a suggestion, but in the 1st line of the 4th stanza, instead of 'My heart was yanked' I think if you varied your vocab and used something like 'My soul was yanked' it would get reader's attention a lot better, but if you're touchy about your poetry like I am (*blush*) then I can understand why. Very good job though -- there's a lot of feeling put into it. I hope to read some more of your poetry.

  • 19 years ago

    by CHOKE

    Wow this was another totally amazing poem! hehe =) i luffed it!
    keep up the gr8 work...this poem rox =) lol! 5/5!

  • 19 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Amazing.. i love it.. nice strong ending.. the last stanza is priceless.. keep it up..

  • 19 years ago

    by Stacinator

    Another 5! I like your way with words, they have such a deep meaning.

  • 19 years ago

    by Kayla

    Wow amazing poem....very well written....rough in a few spots but other then that great job....5/5 thanks for the comment on my means a lot!!! keep up the great work....luv yas mwah
