the greatest mystery unfolds,
right before your eyes-The Angel in disguise...
He approaches you with his charms,
and you gladly open your arms...
He steals your heart away,
and you can't help but think of him every day...
This angel of love carrries you up-up, and away-to the land of love,
so beautiful to the naked eye,
they say LOVE IS BLIND,
but you can truly see your Angel of Love...
He makes us laugh holding our tummies,
He makes us wanna sing triumphantly-This Angel of love...
His love is so powerful, he wraps our hearts around his little finger...
He looks into your eyes, and you can't help but sigh-A sigh so deep only the Angel of Love could feel the heat of your heartbeat...
Angel of Love-Oh the things he does to me!
He is manifique! And I love him with all my heart and soul for all eternity...
Dedicated to Ryan Preston Gardiner-My Angel of Love