Love Hurts

by myxlittlexcut   Aug 18, 2005

Rip me Apart
and Throw Me Away
tell me I'm Worthless
each and every day

Force me to Take the Pills
one after another
till the Bottle Is Empty
Ignore the Label on the cover

Scream at me
Beat me with All Your Might
Torture me more
then you did last Night

Tie a Rope around my Wrists
drag me on the Ground
Leave Me where i lye
Never to be Found

take your Gun
Press it to my Head
Whisper in my ear
that you'd Love Me Better Dead

Wrap your Hands around my neck
slowly Stop my Breathing
though i May Appear to be alive
looks can be Deceiving

i have Learned to Love
the Abuse you put me through
i like to Pretend it's Passion
that Makes you act the way you do

with every Bruise and Cut
when you start to Push and Shove
i Tell Myself it's just the way
that you Express your Love

so I Welcome All The Pain
that makes me always cry
I Still Love You with all my heart
why should it matter that You Want Me to Die?

~Forty-two percent of murdered women are killed by their intimate male partners.
~Women are six times more likely than men to experience violence committed by a significant other.
~A woman is physically abused every nine seconds in this country.
~Almost four million American women were physically abused by their husbands or boyfriends in the last year alone.
~1.4 million persons were treated in hospital emergency departments in 1994 for injuries inflicted in confirmed or suspected interpersonal violence. Of these, 243,000 were inflicted by someone with whom the victim had an intimate relationship.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Nearly but not quite

    Wow! That's amazing, in a bad way i guess, it's really scary that that kind of thing goes on in a country that claims to be so civilised, it really makes you stop and think. Well if a guy EVER hits you, even once, I think you should be out of that door! Amazing poem, thought provoking and well written. definitely 5/5
    Helen, and thanks for the comment on my poem by the way.

  • 19 years ago

    by bleed4eternity

    I am so proud of you for getting this poem published, i know how much it meant to you

  • 19 years ago

    by Rhonda

    Your poem is so graphic, i can imagine everything as i read it, and it almost brought me to tears. i gave it a 5/5 and i really don't know why your rating is 4.4 because your poem go hard (is excellent)

  • 19 years ago

    by Live, Laugh, Love

    That is so sad.. You should never let someone treat you like this.. Great poem

  • 19 years ago

    by sierra

    Hey you are a very talented writer i totally no how u feel in that poem i had to sit and watch my mom get beat up that was pretty hard so i feel for ya read sum of my poems sumtime kk *hugs n kisses* Sierra

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