The past

by Elijah   Aug 18, 2005

As i look into the past
how do i last
as i sit and cry
why cant i die
the pain seems to be
why not only me
he didn't have to share the pain
but now its only a stain
why did the pain have to be
shared between us three
i use the drugs i use the knife
to try and end my life
Ive tried and always i fail
its like some one slams me in a cell
i am now locked up in my pain
soon it will rain crimson red
Finlay flowing off my bed


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  • 19 years ago

    by SWEET PEA 318

    Hey fat man hows little man doing are you still working for you dad? well I like all of your poems but that responsibility on of leons has got you beet. Tell every one that i said hi. Make sure my dad stays off of meth PLEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

    Well got to go and miss you your cousin josh

  • 19 years ago

    by Leona

    I really like it it is good>>>>

  • 19 years ago

    by gorgeouslilmissy

    hey that poem is really deep and interesting.. goodluck with things.

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Thats really graphic and sad...
    be interested to know the story behind it?! check out my poems sometime x x x

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