I hurt

by williamcampbell   Aug 18, 2005

The pain inside I cant express,
Beacause it's wrong I do confess.
Right now my life is such a mess,
It is my fault, Yeah more or less.

I drank waters that were not mine,
Now there is a want I can't confine,
I know whats right I can not pine,
I don't knkow if I'll be fine.

Ending my llife has crossed my mind,
Hoping some rest my heart will find.
Slitting my wrists my thoughts would bind.
Maybe this pain I'd put behind.

But I know that, it's just a fable,
Ending my life I would be able.
But then I'd end up with a label,
But all options are on the table.


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  • 17 years ago

    by mikaella

    I like this alot it is real talent to write a poem in rhyme and still get the piont across you should commemnt my poems

  • 18 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    This is also great poems for me keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by *crimson~kittie*

    I love it...its so...wow...

  • 19 years ago

    by undying blusher

    Excellent rhyming...well done...


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