Somewhere Out There

by ---AL---   Aug 19, 2005

Somewhere Out There

Close your eyes and feel me there,
Dream upon a mended pair,
Where distance plays a distant part,
And passion comes to blissful start,
So Tend you lips to noble wind,
And feel my heart from deep within
For in the breeze flies my kiss
To let you know how much I miss
For like the sun, your beauty glows,
In every ounce of priceless pose,
With striking rays of loving lore,
To bask in light which you deplore.

We cannot see with open eyes,
But still we stare at twinkling skies,
To wish upon a single star,
To one day make us not so far,
To show my eyes a stunning sun,
And let this longing, be undone,
I wish to hold you through a night,
As we lay with stars in sight,
And never think of what is real,
How far we are and the things we feel,
We say we hug we say we kiss,
But in the end we only miss,
And so hopeless does it seem,
Yet, we hold it strong this little dream,
For one day dreams may just come true,
To show what wishes do ensue
And finally make it me and you.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by lil miss music

    That is true. it was beautiful.

  • 17 years ago

    by Dee

    Beautiful poem!5/5 keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Lynzie

    So great and i know exactly how you feel me and my bf live bout 3 and half hours apart cuz he is now attendin college :( he is going to transfer back closer to home this summer but till then its just a dream and its amazing how we talk bout a lot of whats in ur poems the missing longin and hopin and even layin under stars together AWSOME POEM PLZ KEEP WRITIN

  • 18 years ago

    by Sandra D

    Oh my gosh!!!! this is amazing!! it made me smile after the first few lines! i love it, there's a really good rhythm, and i love the way it rhymes! great job!


  • 18 years ago

    by emmajaynexo

    That's so beautiful.
    Amazing job.

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