Long before the blade

by xx5OUL   Aug 19, 2005

When happily ever after ends
and all is said and done
here, she lies
in her cold, cold room
lying in her blood
the day he left, he killed her
but with no blade, gun or drug
all it took were five little words
"I'm getting too fed up"
but long before he uttered those words
he killed her in silent doom
as he raped her, over and over,
in her cold cold room
he used her as his play toy
but he didn't want her to know
that he DID really love her
and he DID really need her so
but he could never find the words
to express the way he feels
so he leaves her for someone new
and she thought the wounds would heal
but she just couldn't get over
the one she'd given her heart to
cause he left her with no choice
it was a "lose lose" sort of end
so she started cutting
and the blade became her friend
she cut all sorts of places
closer, closer to her heart
she appeared withdrawn and lost
and she became less smart
the final day came
when she saw him with her
kissing, touching
wrapped up in each other
she stopped abruptly,
eyes filled with tears
she felt her heart hitting the floor
but shes the only one who hears
she just couldn't understand
why he didn't come back
but what she did know, in her heart
was that she'd leave him alone
or else she'd go wack
so she locked her door
and wrote a note
leaving it on the floor
and took her friend, the blade,
pressing it to her wrist
she could take the pain, no more
she hoped she wouldn't be missed
this was something familiar
as the blade cut through her skin
because at that moment, as the blood poured out
she knew that she would win
she died in her cold cold room
this is the price she payed
and this is how he killed her
long before the blade


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Trista

    Hey i loved this poem it so deep. i love how u made it that she was dead inside before the blade came. it was awesome GREAT WORK!!!!:)

  • 18 years ago

    by mkml

    Excellent. Deffinitly 5/5. Very heartfelt and I've had my heart broken before and I know how much it hurts.

    Brilliant. Keep writing so I can have more to read!


  • 19 years ago

    by pain is me

    This is AMAZING....it feels like you were reading through my thoughts...the title was great...perfect

  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Wow, I swear this could be an account of my own life right here. It was so heartfelt and so close to mine baby I think you are making me cry and I haven't done that in a LONG TIME! Wow, goodness me. This is really brillant and yeah I am crying now. Boys, they have no idea the damage they can do to a girl's heart.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Super poem. its written so well. i love the title too, i'm not very good at titles, but this one is very effective and sums up the entire poem, i love the way that the final line is the title too.

    great peice
