Lonely Night

by chris johnson   Aug 20, 2005

As I sit here and feel the pain
You have fun with another guy
As I think of you without me
I begin to cry

Deep inside my loving heart
I want you to stay there
Not having fun with another man
While I am unaware

My thoughts and heart aren’t in a truce
When it comes to the thoughts of you
My heart says one thing and brain another
I wish I only knew

I wish my heart and mind would click
And they would both agree
On the thoughts of you that one of them wants
So they wouldn’t disagree

But if my heart were to rule
I know everything would be ok
And I know nothing would ever go wrong
We would never be in dismay

but if my mind were to rule
then everything would fail
because I don’t know what else I would think
if love would ever prevail

I’m glad to know that my mind is wrong
Because its not stronger than my heart
I know deep inside that love WILL prevail
And we wont be torn apart


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  • 19 years ago

    by Casey

    It's got all of the emotion that you'd expect from a lost love poem, but the rhymes seem forced. like you sat there thinking "Hmmm what rhymes with there? Unaware sounds cool" and then decided that you had to fit in in somehow.

  • 19 years ago

    by aimee

    Thats so sweet, peace and respeack

  • 19 years ago

    by fastforward

    i love you kiddo!

  • 19 years ago

    by Unforgiven Retniap doolb

    Much better then anything i can do great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by [X]dOrK7AgOny[X]

    Your good..and i like but it made me sad:(