You will never live happily

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Aug 20, 2005

Another morning opened with an argument
I swear this house is like heaven sent
You have this PERMANENT image about me
Nobody believes it, it's something only YOU see
I'm SUCH a drug addict and i drink a lot too
I ain't out to get anybody except you
I hurt myself because the weather ain't my way
I make everybody's like not OK
I lie about everything, even about the simplest stuff
I walk around thinking i am all tough
I sneak out in the morning to go have sex with guys
I hope that everyone in my life will just burn up and die
Why do you think I am like this?
This must be something that i missed...
I am nothing like you say
I didn't do anything at all...not today
My shoulders hurt from you pushing me up against the door
I think my back is bruised, it's a little sore
I hate when you push me around, I am ONLY your daughter
The tension in this place is only getting hotter
I do everything it seems to set you off
I could just simply sit and cough
I hate coming home, how bad is that?
I hate you...I'll say it out flat
I twitch at the thought of you
I freak out from the things you do
I hate the mother of the year you have become
i hate how so much of me has come undone
lay a finger on me again, since you know how to behave
100 bucks says your mother is rolling in her grave
I ain't afraid of you, I'll say what i want
I have to talk back since i pull every single "stunt"
Whatever...I'm done, i can't take this right now
I'm getting out quick, I don't care how
Don't think I'm doing this just because of you
I wouldn't want you to feel that special, not you
And one more thing before i go
There's something you should know
If you ever lay a finger on my sister like you did to me
I don't think you will never live happily

*To everyone who has to deal with a parent who doesn't care about mother has told me she hates me and wants me dead, its true. but don't worry there time will come*


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