When all glory fades and hell takes over

by DarkxBlood   Aug 20, 2005

You see me
but you can't see who i am
have you looked into my bloodshot eyes
and seen the desert that lies behind
i have visions of blood
daydreams of wars
nightmares of my grave

I'm murdering rainbows
and stabbing dolls
slashing this knife right through your neck
with a background of black
and a broken heart
just the way you left me

i'm laying in this bed
desperately ill
puking up bile.
the blackness of blood
caked on my face,
my eyes and mouth sewed shut

and the little slashes
sketched into my wrist
are my handi-work and shall
save me from here some day
i cant move
and i cant speak to you
but if i could, I'd grab
you by the throat
throw you onto the ground
take a thread and shovel
and sew your eyes shut
andsew up your mouth
dig you a hole
and watch
as you
rot and


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  • 19 years ago

    by Strange Angel

    Very good poem. its very dark, but it has so much emotion in it, its really really good. i like the structure too, it makes the poem even more interesting. well done. i love it.

  • 19 years ago

    by jaki

    I read this poem from two different perspectives, the first was reading it from the writters perspective, having loved someone enough for them to cause that much pain... i'm sorry if that happened to you... the second was from a readers perspecitve, although very dark you wrote about the anger so well and made it seem so real, as i read it i was slowly getting angrier and angrier...
    well done, i liked it alot
