Comments : Two Slits

  • 19 years ago

    by Natalie84

    It's funny how you told me to cut myself deeper and deeper when it seems to be YOU who is the slasher. I love my life dear and I don't need to cut myself nor "knock myself off" You need to see a yesterday.

    My poem Please Be There where I spoke of my pen never drying out is symbolic. I didn't ACTUALLY mean my pen would never dry out of ink...I meant I could always pick up a pen...ANY PEN and write. It meant that I'll always be able to write. Get your head out of your a-ss.

    I'm ashamed that I stand on the same earth as you. And you're a MALE and your name is Rebecca and you call yourself "becca" Were you a crack baby? Seems that way...sorry to hear that...

  • 19 years ago

    by Rebecca Hubble

    Thanks for your positive feedback! luv yas, luv bec xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Are you sure you're male? Seem to be a little prissy to me...

  • 19 years ago

    by Rebecca Hubble

    Im actually female, it was wrong on the profile, i think i changed it, but im not sure if it worked. thanks for all the comments. um, to natalie especially thanks, my poem is fiction, but it seems like its totally believable! i succeeded in what i was aiming for. thanks heaps! keep it real, playas

  • 19 years ago

    by Angelicious1

    O..k what would u know about GOOD poems? Your ratings r all low n sh*t. Don't EVEN get it twisted. The ones who talk can't back their sh*t up...n u r a talker. So stfu and stop hatin on errey1 just cuz ur highest rating is a 3 or 4.

  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    I totally afree with angelicious1.
    your a f u c k i n g i d i o t!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ladida

    I know this is kinda late but I wanted to respond to your comment on my poem called "Meth". You said that it was my fault and not the drug's fault. I agree it is my fault but I never blame the drug in my poem I just express the way it makes me feel and if you've never been there then who are you to judge? And even if this shitty ass poem of yours isn't true it still sucks! Oh and one other thing, you're from freaking australia! So stop trying to use the word playas, it makes you look like a poser. I think you're a little confused. And I KNOW you're a horrible poet! Stop trying to judge others and see their poetry for the art it is not for the bullshit you'd like it to be!