Love of my life

by james   Nov 17, 2003

You are my life
You are my soul
You are my heart
thats just the start
If i had one wish
id make it two
for u to be with ur family and friends
and for a happy life in every possible way
For us to be together
my life would be almost perfect
id still have a few trouble's
but my love for you and your love for me
would make almost everything eles seem unimportant
We are two true champions
and together we can conquer this horrible world
When you dedicate youself to me
i feel the happiest ive ever been
i believe im the luckiest guy in the world
to be loved by you
When im down and feel like hell
all i have to do is think of your beautiful smile,
and the sweet things you say and do
When im with you
im happy as a guy can be
the way you treat me
and the things you say
make me feel like a prince
Sometimes i dont believe i deserve you
bu you reassure me that i do
No matter what happens
the least we'll forever be together
and i promise you ,you'll always have a place in my heart


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  • 21 years ago

    by james

    Thank You Miranda and yea i know how u feel cos i totally went thru that last summer..and it broke me for a while lol..i broke it off wiv my gf because the distance factor was getting 2 me and then we went the summer without seeing or talking and by spetemeber we both confessed we were still in love and we got back 2gether and have made a massive effort to stay together and we love eachother more than ever..and u know like me its great to be in love so never give up cos where theres no hope love shines my friends.Thank you for your comment very appreciated

  • 21 years ago

    by james

    thanks for that commentA:)We are perfect for eachother becasue thats what our hearts tell us and we know its true love and we cherish that. Thank You:D

  • 21 years ago

    by james

    Christa Thank you,for reading my poems as well as taking time out to write to me:)But what can i say i feel mosta the time im the lucky one,but thank you for saying that and the person i do love tells me that a lot as well lol,check back soon cos im gonna write sum new stuff on here jus i been away a while so i havent really updated,again thank you for reading i really appreciate it:).