Just want to forget,
All that was said and done,
The people that I hurt,
How it changed their lives.
I just can’t accept who I am anymore,
I want out of this life.
Everything is such a blur,
And nothing seems like I want it to be.
Just want to forget who I was,
Start new and fresh.
Be someone else,
Anyone but me.
Just like any other, accepted for who I am inside,
Like a tin of beans, smelly and new,
I want to be taken for who I am.
But it will be the same.
Just like before, with one look at me,
Thrown out the window,
Just gone, with no trace.
I want stitch my life back together,
Combine the love and friendship,
Make it into one new creation,
Show them how I want to be treated,
And that I am me,
I’m not going to change for them.
I don’t want any other life but this one,
It’s like copyright, once a life has lived,
What’s the use in re living it again?
Everything would be said and done,
All the good would have been taken,
The bad would be re lived,
Memories, haunting me.
If it’s tried to be repeated,
It would just back fire in your face.
All would be the same,
Nothing would change.