Innocent Child

by BrokenMisery   Aug 22, 2005

Blackened spirits plague a hearts desire,
Burning to truth in raging fire.
Upon this numb frame where these scars sit,
Lies the darkness of pure whit.

Her shadows follow after light,
Clothing in darkness of hate’s delight.
A child lays innocent in forgotten plea.
A soul is gone for wolves to feed.

In a howl of misery, this child has died;
Of what little a heart could confide.
And as the petals of the rose in her hand die;
Her ghost stands over her body to cry.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Anna

    Omg...another awesome poem! It's soooo beautiful and some lines are really cute but the whole poem's so sad! Keep on writing, k!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Awww that was so sad! Yet had so much depth and meaning to it. So beautiful! You have such a way with words; your flow and vocab are impecable! My fav part was:

    "A child lays innocent in forgotten plea.
    A soul is gone for wolves to feed"

    That was so saddening, yet had so much feeling. Never ever ever ever stop writing....or..or...i'll come after you! muahahhaha! LOL jk! But really you have talent that others can only dream of having. Keep it up! Byez! =D

  • 19 years ago

    by gasping for air

    Wow, this is really sad!!! i hiope that you never have or have to deal with something like this in your life...

  • 19 years ago

    by *black*and*white*

    That was absolutly amazing! i wuv it!!!!! keep writing and mayb check out some of mine, kays? thnx


  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda Bee

    I really enjoyed this poem. It's kind of mysterious, which is what I guess you were going for here. I loved this line:
    "And as the petals of the rose in her hand die;
    Her ghost stands over her body to cry."

    It paints such a clear picture n your mind. I can see the petal dying in her little hand. Very nice writing. You're very talented.