The heartache for nothing...

by SplitSided   Aug 22, 2005

He lays in bed at night.
Sleepless, lost in thought.
He lives his life for no apparent reason.
She has forgotten all about him.
Leaving him forsaken.
She knows him like nobody else.
But is a complete stranger to him.
She's always on his mind.
But he's never on hers.
Days turned to months.
Months turned to years.
And now they no longer know eachother.
Strangers lost in a complex world.
He reaches but there's no-one there.
He begins to believe no-one cares.
She's right in front of him but doesn't know it.
He see's her but doesn't show it.
There is no connection.
He see's her and his broken reflection.
He doesn't want to see her anymore.
And all of his memories hit the floor.
Drop dead.
That's all that needs to be said.
All this time and this is what time had to bring.
All that heartache for nothing...


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