Comments : Friday, 26th August, 2005

  • 19 years ago

    by ChevyCowgirl23

    Your rite about the staying in touch thing but my friend cant talk to gurls for a rule it sucks!! thanks for the comment!

  • 19 years ago

    by AmAnDaA

    I luvved it dont feel so bad its good to get it though luv mannda

  • 19 years ago

    by unprotected lover

    Awesome poem, i know how you feel

  • 19 years ago

    by ßeAuTiFuLlY~bRoKeи

    OMG THAT'S TODAY!!! DON'T DO IT! please if your serious about this talk to someone, if you have no one to talk to e-mail me-
    Don't do this girl...i know I don't even know you but I don't care, please, just think hard about this. I've been there before trust me, all the way to the moment where I started swallowing those pills. but here I am, and you know what. it wouldn't have been worth it, there's people who care about me and I'm sure there's people who love you too. even though living means putting up with more heartache killing yourself is taking away every happy moment you had a chance at. you never know where you'll end up in life, do you really want to end it the way it is now? just think about this please, and i'm serious you can e-amil me I'll write back write away.

  • 19 years ago

    by ßeAuTiFuLlY~bRoKeи

    Sorry I don't think that e-mail I gave you is right I just realized that. it's

  • 19 years ago

    by Joey P

    I just want to say thanx for the comment it really made my day. THis poem is really strong and was enjoyable, I kno how u feel about the pill things anyway stay strong and GOD will bless you with wat u need.

    God Bless

  • Who Would Have Known That Venting On Paper Could Turn Out a Masterpiece, If I Didn't Give You a 5/5 I Would Be Lying To You And Myself, I Can't Seem To Find a Flaw In Perfection xoxo-Nikki-xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Pilar

    Whoa it's so short and so perfect, i loved it. if u r seriusly thinking on suicide, plz don't!

    adios, take care

    p i l i

  • 19 years ago

    by pirateRAWRR

    Great pOem but if yOoh are thinkinG abOut takinG yoOr Own life dOnt! i nO hOw yoOh feel nd i have been dOwn that rOad many times b4 but yOoh have tO stay strOnG. there really is sOo much tO live fOr. i feel fOr yoOh soOo much but yoOh are soO yOunG and have sOo much talent yoOh cant let that GO tO waste. thanx fOr the cOmment and if yoOh eva need anyOne tO talk tO ( let me nO i hOpe tO read many mOre Great pOems by yoOh sOon =] keep up the Great wOrk

  • 19 years ago

    by the middle

    Hun, smile and mean it... please?
    you say you don't have "i love you's" and "be strongs" but I love you!! and i know you can be strong!!
    i miss you HEAPS!! email me sometime... feel like i haevnt talked to you in ages!
    take care hun, love ya.

  • 0www=(great poem sweeti. yet very sad...i really hope your going ok now... im always here for you although we dont even know each other but you know... please take care your an amazing writer xx and btw...thanks for the comments ('',) x

  • 19 years ago

    by Timothy B

    I know life can suck at times. I know almost everything can seem to be goin wrong sometimes. But just hang in there. Wait to see what the future holds for you, cause it might be something great. Stay strong girl.

  • 19 years ago

    by Spitfire

    That is really good
    id say great job !!!
    great poem
    lot and lots of emotion!!
    u need me for anything chrck out my pro. and email me !!!

    GREAT JOB !!!


  • 19 years ago

    by SiCK N TWiSTED

    I relle likee it. i hope u get better....keep it up ur good.


  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aww hun, omgzz this is so sadd, Your work is a piece of art really hun, you've expressed yourself amazingly in this poem wow, my jaw dropped reading it its so amazing, ah wow, amazinggg hun

  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Great poem dear..sometimes i think that i should rather start giving u 5/5 w/o even reading ur poems...u r simply amazing....take care

  • 19 years ago

    by M MEM

    Awwww babe, thats how i was feeling in august and september...... i know its kinda late....but youre worth it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Rhinehalt

    Give you a 5. Simple but very deep. I love your style and poems. They really hit home in the emotional area. I know these feelings all to well. Keeping going and writing, that's one of the ways to let yourself fly.

  • 18 years ago

    by Dreaming_Awake

    It is a great poem and i am sorry that you felt that way i wish i could be of more help but i cants this is how i can help by lettign u know that there are people out there for you and we are even though you dont know us. but givving you coments and telling you we care helps i know it dose!! so keep your head high and wear a smile knowing that some one dose care and you beath sucide. and also know that the pain will end i promice. just gove it time
    ~ Dustin