Darkness surrounds me covering
my thoughts and feelings
anguish and despair
has entered throwing out
happiness and joy
sadness and pain
are feelings that are all to familiar to me
I felt so betrayed
when you broke up with
me the connection
we made was meant to last forever
was broken
I was hanging myself
on the half truths and whole lies you told me
drowning in my own sorrows and tears
as my flesh felt like it was ripping
We were one you took my body
and you took and took until there was nothing
left but this feeling in my chest of emptiness
and the content words
of my mind
telling me
to silent
my hearts cries
my shattered thoughts and broken dreams
are mending on my shelf
now i sit here by myself wishing
the feelings I'm feeling will some how break free and leave me alone
I know I got to let you go
But the knowing
that what was mines
will soon be somebody else's
makes me sick leaving knots in my stomach
forever twining and twisting
I'll have one last cry before
I let you go
and soon the tears on my face will wash
away dragging the bitter sweet memories
wit them disappearing into the crack of my broken heart
that'll soon one day mend!