Torn Apart

by BlACkxXxAnGEl   Aug 25, 2005

I don't know why i am still here in this world, i should've left long ago and not come back, be gone for ever maybe i wouldn't tear people apart like a piece of paper, when i was hurting myself i should've slit my wrists properly but i thought somebody would've cared but by the looks of it no one does, all i have done is tear people apart because of my stupid behavior and if my friends didn't need me at the moment i would be gone. I'm sick of tearing people apart, it's tearing me apart as well and no one should suffer from my f*@#ed up behavior, I'm sick of it so why should i live?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Sorefromreality

    I rlly like this perspective... instead of people hurt me it's i hurt people. thats not tru u dont kill anyone's soul spirit, or drive. i love u and i dont even kno u... keep writing,

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