To Be or not To Be

by Love Fallacy   Aug 25, 2005

Some nights alone I sit and wonder,
Will I ever meet another like her,
Again, can I ever give my heart away,
Try real hard to make her stay,

Am I ready for this commitment right now,
Giving up some freedom’s I can allow,
Love in my life, I feel I need,
My drive, my energy, off it I feed,

Why has my drive left me so fast,
I guess I’m to slow, I’ve finished last,
She got the best of me at the end,
Now another girl, my heart she must mend,

A future with her I can’t see anymore,
It’s over with us, time to shut the door,
I’ve waited and been patient this time with you,
This is something we both must do,

A decision must be made, to leave or stay,
I still love you, but are you going away,
If that’s what you want, I wish you the best,
I studied hard, but I’ve failed the test


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  • 11 years ago

    by LadyLk

    I honestly think she failed!! You'd past any test of love.. ;) you have talent and know exactly how to express your feelings!! Love reading your stuff.. Very deep!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Roxiee An

    Cool poem
    but hard emotions
    I will pray to God that you get a better Girl soon
    though i know this poem is old now and may be you must have got one
    5/5 for it
    Live life in Fun
    Best wishes
    your friend