Final Goodbye

by gorgeouslilmissy   Aug 26, 2005

Tonight i don't want to sleep.
i want to keep one eye open
and peak.

i hear the clock tick, minute by
minute, your getting closer to
your final breath, take my last
look as it could be your death.

time and time again you told
me you would go.
i didn't ever believe you, as your
actions were so slow.

now the day has grown closer,
and i don't know what to say.
i cant believe that this really is
the day.

cant look at you the same,
I'm scared of what to do.
really couldn't see that
this wasn't just a game.

i don't want my best friend to leave
but there is no more i can do.
so i will continue to sit here and
grieve for only you.

so now my eyes are open wide
as i sit here and cry.
look at those pictures and say
a final goodbye...


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by .tiana ღ laura.

    I loved your poem and thought it was beautiful, especially the ending... i loved the last couple lines!
    xo adge

  • 19 years ago

    by amelia deep so much hurt...

  • 19 years ago

    by Shy

    Again the lines are slightly choppy but thats ok

  • 19 years ago

    by NannO

    That was so heart-breaking and full of sad emotion.. i hope ur OK, nothing is worse than having to lose a best friend.. ur rhyme was gr8 and ur choice of words gud.. i especially lyk ur last 2 lines
    keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by Joey Matthews

    Mysterious start, Brilliant finish.. Great Writing!

    Keep Up The Good Work