Scars of depression
wounds of anger
every scar on my body
has a story to tell
some as old
as time
others rather new
Most self inflicted
by the tools of pain
razors and knives bring
a sharp image that i know
all to well
The scar on my arm tells the dark truth
that no one can hurt you like your kin
that your very own flesh and blood
can take your body use it then abuse it
then throw
it back out again
wanting you to take it back and gain some type of solace
The scar on my leg tells the story
that love leaves doubts and pain
bruising the path I choose to let love in each time
Scars of pain
Each scar leaves a undefined fact that depression
cannot always be seen or felt
but understood
that pain has a habit
of dwelling in are souls
embellishing a fire that
we can let devour us
wounds of anger
Dragging the knife deeper
and deeper
each time to some how reach the pain within
me but the pain is all in my mind
that bestows sparks in me that drives me insane
but if I face depression
and not let it rest in me
to throw out the knives and razors
the tools that not only create pain
but cause it to leave marks and the
undefined fact that
hurt. lost. regret.anger.
and sadness
are only skin deep and cannot
be dealt with or healed by a razor
or knife but by the power in our very own selves!