When every one you've ever been with has let you down
And the only thing you've ever heard are lies
And when theres no one left
It seems likes you've been through them all
Know that you are not alone
When the man you loved has let you down again
And your stuck in a corner with no one on your side
Remember I'm here, always and forever
Ive been there like you
Ive been through it all
They lie and they cheat, and they hurt
They're selfish and conceded
They don't care no matter how much they pretend
You'll prove them wrong and you'll catch them in every lie
But in the end, it seems you never really catch them
You always go back to them
They're heartless and careless
The want Sex and nothing else
They think of themselves
Not even each other
And yet we cant live without their existence
You need them
It seems you cant breath without him
No matter what its always your fault
And thats OK with you
You'd do anything for him but he does nothing for you
Well someday, you'll be able to say to yourself
You don't need them, you want them
However you don't always have to have one
Do your own thing
Let them come to you
Make them meet your standards
Its the only way to go
Make them love you for who you are
Not what you can do
Be able to be yourself and nothing less
When they want some make them wait
When he needs it, make him wait longer
Be sure he loves you too
Don't be vulnerable
Be strong, be smart, be true, be you
He cant hurt you unless you let him
Don't set yourself up
But one thing for sure to remember is
You'll always have me
And together we can do anything
Together we'll conquer
We'll tower over every mountain we come to
Together we have it all
Together forever, you can always count on me