Bree Bree

by Lee Merchant   Aug 28, 2005

That night when you said “yes”,
You finally put my heartbreaking pain to rest.
You are a Angel that shines so bright,
I know that if we get back together things will be right.

I knew I loved you from the start,
I never thought you would destroy my heart.
You didn't want me to take a taxi because you were scared,
But the love you gave me, made me prepared.

I respect you now more than so much,
It's your lips that I am dying to touch.
I hate that night because it was so bad,
Doing that still makes me feel so sad.

I hurt you in a way not intentionally,
I had NEVER wanted to hurt my Bree Bree.
I am so sorry for the damage I have done,
Won't you please forgive me Hun?

I want you to give me one last chance,
To show you my true side of romance.
I want to make you so happy and glad,
And I promise to NEVER make you mad.

It was one mistake that I made,
It made our perfect relationship fade.
I will die for you to show you how I feel,
I'll do anything for you and I always will.

You made Matt a lucky guy,
When that's done, can I have one last try?
I want to make all your fantasies come true,
That way I can show how much I love you!

I wish you could forgive me but I know that's hard to do,
I wish you would understand how much I care for you.
I will never again hurt or disrespect you,
That is a fact I know is true!

We shopped for rings and talked about marriage,
We both wanted to see our kids in a carriage.
Please don't throw away this letter like you've done the others,
We were so close, we were both lovers!

I won't touch you unless you tell me I can,
But if I do, it won\'t make me feel like a man.
Keep this poem and hold it to you tight,
I want you to remember me for the rest of this fight.

You think I’m a psycho but that I am not,
Being without you makes my body rot.
There is so much more I need to tell,
What I have done needs to burn in hell!

I cry every night and I know why,
What I did reminds you of that Sean guy.
I am in no way like that @$$hole,
That guy destroyed your soul!

To see your beautiful smile makes me glad,
It reminds me of the beauty that we had.
I pray every night for you to be happy,
But without you, my heart feels crappy!

I'll be here waiting for you no matter what,
Even if you wind up with some other dumb butt!
I'll ALWAYS love you with all my heart,
After all, I loved you from the start!

I honestly think that we are meant to be,


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sabree

    That is very sweet. I hope she gives you another chance for you deserve it. Dont give up. Love is a once in a lifetime thing...dont let her throw it away. 5/5 for you!

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