Daddy... (true story on 9/11)

by quick&painless   Aug 28, 2005

Daddy, I can’t help but feel that it was all my fault.
If I hadn’t begged you to come home early,
You would have never went on that flight.
I knew how much you hated to fly,
and still I made you board the plane…
you said something just didn’t feel right,
but I lied and promised it would be ok.
You sat next to the man, who would soon take down the plane,
You even offered him your snack…
No one knew that 1 hour later you would be dead.
And it was all because of him….

Daddy, if you can see me,
I hope I’ve made you proud.
I know you loved to see me smile,
But it’s not so easy anymore…
It’s hard to sit around the table and see your empty spot,
or to eat your favorite meal.
It’s hard to have to read your favorite book in class,
Or to hear your favorite songs on the radio…
I’m trying to stay strong,
But it seems like wherever I look, I see you.
I miss your laugh, and you tucking me in goodnight.
I miss being able to tell everyone, how I have the best dad alive,
And most of all, I miss you making it all better when I hurt….

Daddy, I made a friend today.
His name is tom and he lost his daddy too.
I hope you would approve of him,
Because I like him oh so much.
I think about you every night,
I cry myself to sleep.
I know you don’t like it when I’m sad,
But it hurts just too bad.
I’m taking care of mommy for you,
I know that’s what you wanted.
But the thing is daddy, she’s taking it better then me.
Last night I even slit my wrists.
I don’t know how to live without you,
Sometimes I just want to end the pain,
And be with you once again.

Daddy, I have a confession to make,
I just swallowed some pills.
I took them with some alcohol,
I can’t take it anymore.
I don’t feel so good now,
I’m starting to loose focus.
I hope you’re not angry with me,
I hate it when you’re mad.
Mommy will be just fine,
Don’t you worry about her.
She’s the strong one, not like me at all.
Daddy, please don’t be sad,
Now I can see you again.
I don’t have to cry anymore,
Everything will be all right.
Tom said he understands
if I want to be with you,
Because I just couldn’t make it like that.
I love you too much, and I feel so alone.
Don’t worry daddy everything will be ok.
Don’t worry daddy, your baby girl is coming to you…

this is about my friend Chelsea who's dad died on one of the 9/11 flights and she killed herself not long after. i know its not a very good poem but i really needed to write... please pray for all the people killed in 9/11 and the families who suffer beause of it...


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  • 16 years ago

    by Anne

    Ohh my gosh. I'm sitting here crying over a person i hardly know. But it feels right. Your poem may not be the best ever, but i loved it.(:. I'm SO sorry for your loss. I admire you writing about it so well.

  • 17 years ago

    by MARI

    They are all in my prayers ur poem is sooo touching and it made me think u dont know what u have untill its gone!! good job

  • 17 years ago

    by Emma

    I couldnt imagine loosing my father. this is a really touching poem. even though you wrote about a friends really feels like it came from you and they were your emotions.
    i liked it alot!

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for your loss first of all....that day was very scary...I too have lost my dad not from 9/11 but still it's very hard...I'll pray for you tonight because it's very sad this poem was good so don't put it down

  • 18 years ago

    by sarahAnn

    very emotional.
    i cried. amazing poem hun.
    love, sarah