by ~.♥kяåZïe* ЮëÅméя♥::~   Aug 28, 2005

I need to slice my skin
And put this razor in
All had caused pain
And this is no game
I run it deep
And I don't weep
It feels good
Just like it should
The blood runs down
And on my face a frown
Scars on my arms
Duin my body harm
It is wat I like to do
And yes it is all true.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Nice rhyming...lol...well...i like it...but I hope it's not true..but I know it is...so well...hope everything is going well in ur life...and u don't hev 2 touch the razor anymore...

  • 19 years ago

    by FlowerThatDied

    Even though i do :P

  • 19 years ago

    by FlowerThatDied

    I hope you stop cutting to but then I can't exactly talk I realised I was paired with you so I thought I shud comment on some - I think it shud be expanded and more in depth, I think you shud choose a topic you fully believe in like this and I think you should use either full words in all of it or slang in all of it cos u dunno what to expect.

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    So sorry you have to write these poem...I hope you stop cutting already...it's not good...

    Oh yeah...eventhough this is the first poem I've seen from you...I'll check out others later...I want to ask you something on Melissa Westfall's behalf...she's going to publish a poetry book...there will be a few poets work in it...she's still looking for more poems to be put in it...and don't you worry...she won't steal your works...she'll put your name in it...if you are willing to let her use yours...you can tell her...or you can tell me...k...that's all....luv ya...Jane

  • 19 years ago

    by Rachele

    That's really good. it's like staright to the point. i like it a lot. 5/5

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