Comments : You

  • 19 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    This poem is riddled with cliches, such as

    i long for your touch
    every single night
    i long for you arms
    to hold me so tight

    you pull me out of my darkest days
    and fight away my fears
    and if for some reason i begin to cry
    you wipe away my tears

    basically all of that.. aside from the cliches, this is a decent piece.. it is heartfelt, true, but it would be much better to express it in a way different than most people have. more entertaining as well.. admittedly, ive fallen into the cliche "boat" as well, but i realized that i didnt like sounding like everyone else,.. i wanna distinguish myself.. so in writing about cliche ideas, i actually strengthened my writing.. i dunn0 if that makes sense or provides ne help, but yea.. this is by no means a bad piece of writing,.. i just dont think u can go wrong when ur writing feelings so obviously heartfelt, but it would certainly spice it up and make it more appealing if it was less cliche.. just some thoughts.. pZ out

  • Oh very cute =) i love this piece of work... it was great. keep it up xx