Comments : Flower

  • 19 years ago

    by Spam

    Good gracious rummi! never heard anything like this! it rhymes but it doesn't, it makes sence but it doesn't, it's about a rose i presume? and when you say "would you kill it" does that mean "would you kill our love for me?" or something different? and maybe, when you say, make a flower for me, does that mean like, nurture and grow love or something? like saying, would you grow love for me, and would you kill for love? it's almost as if you're putting everything on the line for this person (a girl i hope! :) ) and getting everything chucked right back at you. is that what you were trying to acheive? or did u just pick up a pen and start writing?


  • 19 years ago

    by Spam

    Well done by the way!