by lorrie   Aug 30, 2005

Girls will always fall for a thug love there is sum thin about a gangster that attracts us girls is it because they are cute or is it the way they act all bad over protective or is the sex because u know these gangsters got it good its always the way they grab u its like no other and when they kiss u its like its inside your skin make u think about them all day and when they try to stop its not the same wit out a thug love


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  • 19 years ago

    by tyzwifey

    I liked your short poem it was nice cause I remember going through that same process when I had my thug.

  • 19 years ago

    by AlexPotter

    That is so true, i fell for a hard core thug. And now it's over, but i still love him, i know that my love for him is real, but we have no futrue, because he's a thug.