
by CutMyArmToPieces   Aug 31, 2005

Smiling all the time,
just trying to hide,
all this pain inside.
Why bring them down,
it's not their pain,
it's all mine.
Though I love them all,
they bring me some hope,
until it wasn't enough.
Now I let it go,
and fall away,
living forever alone.
Surrounded by all,
yet they do not see,
me laying there on the floor.
Covered in blood,
they walk right by,
not seeing me there.
I force myself invisible,
I don't want them to see,
they don't deserve the pain I's not fair


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  • 19 years ago

    by Hurtingsoul

    Hey cut i know we havnt talked in a while so hi
    cut not you or others deserve this pain
    no one does im here for you okay
    but amazing poem anyway
    take care
    always HS

  • 19 years ago

    by Matt

    And u think u deserve this pain ???, sometimes in life people get down, ive bin there, we all have, infact im still there, but maybeif u jus tlkd 2 someone it wud help u. u shudnt have 2 bare the pain alone and im sure ur friend wud be glad 2 help if they knew what you were goin through. Gr8 poem btw.
    Im here if u wanna tlk

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