Why Didn't i Do It?

by Torn   Aug 31, 2005

I didn't do it,
the day of my demise.
I'm not sure why,
something made me think twice.

i didn't take those pills,
or make those slices.
i didn't face my fears,
or give in to them either.

why this day slipped by,
i can't comprehend.
the feelings were so right,
i feel them every day.

maybe it was one of those days,
where things were going right.
but as soon as i got home,
i knew there'd be more fights.

i can't face the present,
it scares me half to death.
then the present creeps up,
and finishes off the rest.

i don't feel a thing,
the blades no longer hurt.
my body bruised and flat,
but i still can't seem to stop.

each thought so horrid,
i picture every day.
ways i could end this life,
as i just dissolve to tears.

so i can't seem to make it,
no i don't think i can take it.
I'm leaving this all behind,
maybe a better day I'll find?

*please comment and rate it would mean so much*


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  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aww hun, this poem brought tears to my eyes, it is genuenly beautiful haha ok i cant spell bleh but this indeed is really fantastic hun, im speechless as usual, your poetry doesent need rating its outstanding by itself

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    You suffer a great deal don't you, i feel this way too and i just wish things will be better but it always turn out worst. Anyway, nice poem and hope you're okey. 5/5.

  • 19 years ago

    by Dreaming_Awake

    Well i am not a cutter but i do relate to the feeling of just saddness and sorrow and regret and jsut every thing but yeah i loved it

  • 19 years ago

    by the middle

    Awesome hun... but i still hate that you do this to yourself, and that you feel like that. can't wait to hear from you!! you'd better write!! lol
    love ya, xoxoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by pirateRAWRR

    Hey hun that wOz awsum... it sOunds like yOor gOinG thrOuGh a lOt riGht nOw but i prOmise yOoh (nd remember im talkinG frOm expirience) thinGs will Get better yOoh have tO hOld On nd shOw ppl yoOh are made Of strOnGer stuff nd yOoh will find the better days! im Off tO read mOre Of yoOr pOems nd i'll try nd leave cOmments =] thanx fOr all yoOr cOmments i hOpe everyfinG wOrks Out fOr yoOh =]