I just want to say
That i couldn't live to this day
If your faces were never around
You lighten up my untanned face
And the way you talk is a wonderful sound
Your all hearts are full of amazing grace
I remember every day that you were born
How i waited for the phone to ring
As i sat in silence in my home
Waiting for this marvelous whole thing.
The day i saw you all for the first time
Was as good as each one
How i know you all loved my nursery rhyme
And how we have so much fun.
So thank you my little Lights
For what you've given me
I've even enjoyed the fights
I know that you'd agree
so please be here by my side
Each and every hour
because I'm here to provide
fun as high as any tower.
I love you, George, Conner, Becky, Adam, Billy and Joseph that was born today at 15:01 and is 5 weeks early