
by BleedingAngel   Aug 31, 2005

I can tell about the pain you know
and about the scars I don't show
would that make it easier for you
to understand the hell I'm going through

I can write you a letter and make you read
about the times I made myself bleed
would that make you see the real me
or show you the person I want to be

I can speak about the times I tried to hide
this deep depression I keep inside
would that make you take my hand
and tell me that you of all can understand

I can tell about the time I have cried
cause I wanted so badly just to die
would that make you hate me even more
and make me be the person I was before

I can scream and yell all these words
knowing that they will never be heard
that would make me grab for my knife
and end my hurting and depressing life

Copyright 2005 - Sabrina Stelmach


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  • 19 years ago

    by May Lee

    Hey sabrina, This poem was very well written, 5/5 from me. I'm worried about you and I think maybe you should see if you can talk to someone about your depression? You've got talent, maybe you can use your poetry to help you sort through whatever it is you're going through? I know you don't know me but I really hope you take care of yourself,

  • 19 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    Great work 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    I really love your poem i have a poem with the same name so please read mines and see if you like it too!!!!!thanks

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Wow, thats a truely amazing poem! i can really relate. well done, and take care xxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Rusted x Heart

    I really liked this one. It flowed very well and the rhyme scheme was simple yet effective. I love the way its almost a plea to someone who couldnt understand- its very real.