The fight

by stacey   Sep 1, 2005

This is a story about what happens when you mess with the wrong girl

Its sad but true
Better watch out it could happen to you

This is going to be such a sight
Me beating the crap outta Stephanie white

She may die
But I'll try to leave her with just a black eye
But please don't boo whoo and cry
That's for her to do
Come on bring it on foo

No more talkin sh-t
o wait hold on I have an ich
ok im ready bring it on ya little b-itch

I throw the first punch
And I see her Bologna up in the air
woops there goes her lunch

whats that smell? ew you smell like a skunk
like you don't even know how badly she stunk
come on get up you little punk

hell ya im winning yippie yahoo
get off ur a-ss
ok whatever you give up, too bad you couldn't last
but thanks anyways I had a blast


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  • 19 years ago

    by XbiatchX

    Grow up n it lol
    dat all i need 2 say 2 u how wud u like it
    u avent even gt a f ockin reason man jusT CUZ U DNT FINK SHE FITS IN well fair enuff if she did sumfing 2 u then yer fock da bi tch up bt nah outta order i rekon does it make u feel hard or sumfing it dnt prove shit trust ye

  • 19 years ago

    by brook

    Nice poem.....did you really kick the crap outa some girl named stephanie white????? Funny to me likie lol...........brook

  • 19 years ago

    by Chris

    Omg stacey!!! thats sooo freakin funny!!! and good! did u really kick her ass like that?? lol.. sweet