I Love You

by sarah   Sep 1, 2005

Words simply wont express how I feel inside,
I've wrote down many but none fit exactly no matter how hard I try,
I look back to the past and the way i use to be,
but I don't know that girl anymore,
I cant remember exactly the way I use to think or the way I viewed the world,
It seems so long ago,
you came into my life and everything seemed to change,
I found someone that made me feel complete,
that gave me security inside,
your the one person I didn't know I was searching for,
but very happy to find,
the person that I felt such a connection with when I looked inside your eyes,
you were everything I ever hoped for,
you fulfilled my every dream,
I thought it was to good to ever be true,
you made me the happiest I'd ever been in my life,
but then some how...some way,
you slipped through my fingers and got away,
it's not that i don't want you back,
I just don't have the words to say,
to let you know I feel this way,
when you first left my world was such a daze,
I don't remember how I got through each day,
my heart shattered into a million pieces,
as my dreams went down the drain,
my eyes were sore from crying,
my heart never knew worse pain,
i couldn't sleep at night...,
...you were even in my dreams,
then I remember seeing you,
it still brought tears to my eyes,
I couldn't believe it was over,
and that you'd said goodbye,
I'd look for you,
because seeing you makes me smile,
but at the same time makes me sad,
you still have that look in your eyes,
that gives me hope to believe,
that maybe I do still cross your mind,
maybe there can be a you and me,
maybe that's just wishful thinking,
but just maybe it might be true,
because my heart still hurts,
and deep down I still long for you,
my dreams are still waiting,
because my heart can't let go,
though sometimes my head wants to,
but I just want you to remember that no matter what you do,
I'll still be there,
I'll NEVER give up on you,
just know I'll ALWAYS care,
and I will ALWAYS love you!
and even if it breaks my heart,
I just want to see you happy,
because that's the world to me.


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  • 19 years ago

    by obsessedgurl

    Hey, i really like this poem!!! i like to read quotes,too! I have a lot of love quotes so if u could could u please check them out? thanks so much!

  • 19 years ago

    by Sarah

    ** This is a Wonderful poem , it's seems like it has been written from the heart , and seems you have had this actually happened to you ** all i have to say is it is GREAT xoxoxox