Hey you *screaming B*
i just wanted to let you know
how much you mean to me
we haven't known each other too long
but you make me so happy just to be me..
whenever we're fighting evil man wiches
i can't help but smile
I've finally found someone as silly as me
who has great man-which-fighting style!
after all of those evil manwhiches we ate
we were both quite bloated
and just about to be sick
but i was still oh so happy
because i had finally found an awesomeful buddy!
i just can't put into words
how truly awesome you are
with your bald ass head
and little sayings
and the thousands of memories
all made in a few short days
i love you
my one and only *b!+ch flavored beer*
and all the fits of laughter
you've sent me into
I'm hoping and praying this friendship lasts for years...
*i know it isn't very good, and there's not a set rhyming scheme...but i had to write this for my *screaming b!+ch* Rachel...I LOVE YOU! I'll try and write you a better poem whenever i become a good writer loll...*