Comments : Love From The Blade

  • 19 years ago

    by Rachele

    That's a really good poem, and I give u a 5. thats a good way to look at cutting, but i'm a cutter, and eventhough i know your poem is true, i still think of the blade as my bestfriend. great job! keep writing!

  • 19 years ago

    by xCezx

    Thanx for the comment... and i know how you feel xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by bOlly danCer

    Nice poem i used to b a cutter too but im glad my friends wer there to help me quit coz they made me relise that there r otha ppl out there that matter n that cutting only released ur pain for a lil moment but the pain wud return in anotha way n leave u wit unwanted scars on my wrist...........nice poem thou..........its true..........5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by lisa snyder

    This is a great poem! Ow... ive cut my wrist may times for may reasons!! my mom is in jail and does drugs... my brother is in a foster home and i live with my dad that will get drunk and hit me!! well i hope that helps you with your poem... i dont want my name in in!

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashley

    Love this poem! I have one in the same writing style, yours is different but still kind of the same, It's really good, 5/5. maybe you can read some of my poems sometime.

    xx BB